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  • Yukti Sood

5 Ways Parents can Help their Child Cope with Stress

The world is developing at the speed of light. With new technologies and advancements coming in, education is also becoming more challenging than it was before. As a result, mental health issues, especially in children, are on the rise.

The pressure to succeed and meet their own and their parent's expectations can be too much for children to handle. Parents push their children to achieve more with good intentions, but it can backfire, and children can end up feeling discouraged if faced with failure.

It is the parent's responsibility to help their child understand the value of failure and cope with the stress that comes with it.

5 ways parents can help their child manage the inevitable stress:

1. Don’t Compare

In this competitive world, being compared to others is the last thing a child wants. Parents should accept that no two children can ever be the same. Every child has his/her unique qualities, and instead of constantly pointing out their shortcomings, parents should embrace their child’s strengths.

Constant comparison can diminish the child’s self-worth and self-esteem. It can lead to a feeling of doubt and fear. The child can end up feeling stressed, at the same time, can become carefree of their future to rebel against the parents.

Parents must learn to appreciate their child’s strengths and support them in managing their weaknesses.

2. Have Open Conversations

The stress and pressure of academic success are higher than it has ever been. An environment at home where failure is considered a learning opportunity fosters a positive mentality in children. If and when they face setbacks, they will treat them as bumps in their journey, not as an end.

Parents should encourage talking about feelings, be they negative, and how to overcome them as well. Failure is inevitable, so it is important that children become comfortable with the concept and learn from them instead of giving up.

3. Promote Healthy Sleep habits

Children have busy schedules. Attending school, going to hobby classes, playing with friends and doing homework, the body and mind get tired. Sleeping late, using a phone/tv before bed and not getting enough sleep can put an additional toll on the body and mind.

Lack of good quality sleep has been linked to depression, anxiety, poor concentration and stress.

Having a bedtime routine where reading is encouraged instead of watching tv is a great way to promote sleep hygiene from early on. This is a routine which you as parents should also follow to inspire your child.

4. Encourage Non-Academic Activities

Pursuing hobbies, whether sports or music, are not just good for personality development but also are great stress-busting activity. In this hustle-bustle of life, children need some time where they can relax and be free of academic pressure.

Parents should encourage their children to pursue activities that make them happy. You can also take part in activities they enjoy; it serves as a good bonding time.

Hobbies are also great to take their mind off the things that are bothering them. When we do things we are passionate about, our brain releases a hormone called endorphins, which is responsible for making you happy.

So taking out time every day or every other day is a great way to let go of the stress.

5. Walk The Talk

Parents are a child’s first teacher. You must have noticed that when you say something, your child sometimes repeats the same thing. That’s because children pick up what is said and done in the house. They notice what their parents are doing and replicate it because they think of their parents as role models.

If you are constantly stressed, take that out on your child or spouse and never learn how to cope with it, your child will also never learn to cope with his/her stress. Children living in a negative environment have higher stress levels. So, teach your child how to manage their stress by showing them that you manage yours.

We know the pressure of always being watched and having to inspire your child can be daunting. Try to use this positively. If you want your child to go to sleep early, exercise, and be a kind person, then start doing these things first because the child will organically adopt them from you.


As a parent, your job is not to dominate the child with your opinions but to support and guide them to form theirs.

With too much external pressure on children, the home should be a place to unburden and let go. Creating a healthy environment, where a positive mindset is encouraged; but negative emotions are also acknowledged, is a must for good mental health.

Becoming a good parent is a lifelong journey. Make mistakes and learn from them. Learn to be a parent who is present; that is all a child want.


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