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  • Yukti Sood

Career in Psychology: Courses, College and More

If you are passionate about contributing to human development and can empathise with others, a career in psychology is perfect for you. Studying psychology not only opens up a lot of career opportunities but also changes you as a person. It can change your perspective on the world and how you think about critical situations and make you an empathetic person.

One thing that many people don’t know is psychologists don’t just work as clinical counsellors but also in the corporates as consultants and with the police department as forensic psychologists.

This blog will help you figure out what career path you need to follow to become a psychologist.

Why choose a career in Psychology?

The possibilities of a career in psychology are endless. However, each one of them requires curiosity to understand human emotions. People who wish to pursue this career need to have a will to make a difference in other’s life and understand the motivation behind human actions.

With the world becoming more competitive every day, there is an increasing demand for psychology professionals in every field. Psychology is a relatively new field, and hence there is still a lot of research that needs to be done to get a better understanding of how human behaviour and emotions work. Hence, it is a motivating field for people who are committed to learning forever.

Studying psychology helps people develop empathy and critical thinking, which help them in clinical work, research, and academic work.

How to build a career in Psychology?

1. 10+2 Education

Whether you choose to study commerce, humanities/arts or science, to pursue a career in Psychology, you should choose psychology as a subject in your secondary education. Studying it will give you a peak into what you will study in college. It will give you a chance to form a base on the subject and understand the myriad of human personalities.

Many bachelor's programmes also require psychology as a subject in 10+2, so if you wish to pursue this career, choosing this subject will give you an advantage.

2. Bachelor's degree in Psychology

A bachelor’s degree will be a bedrock for your career in psychology. A degree in psychology or applied psychology will be the best choice at this stage.

This degree will help you get a strong grip on human behaviour, human development, mental disorders, emotions and perceptions. An understanding of these will help you further in any career you wish to choose, be it clinical psychology or organizational psychology.

3. Master’s degree in Psychology

A master’s degree will further deepen and expand the knowledge you gained at the bachelor’s level.

A master’s degree will open more career opportunities for you. You can go on and work as a consultant in any corporate and help businesses improve their workplace environment and employee performance. Many psychology jobs require a PhD, and a master’s will make you eligible to pursue a PhD if that is next on your list.

4. PhD

Some schools and universities only require a master’s degree for teachers, but most universities demand a PhD if you want to teach at the bachelor’s or master’s level. Getting a doctorate is a must for anyone who wishes to work in academia and be a full-time professor.

For people who wish to specialize in a particular branch of psychology, a PhD is a good path to establish themselves as an expert in the field.

Research psychology is a rewarding career option. A doctorate allows you to conduct studies on mental disorders, gender issues, etc. You can go on and work with non-profits or become a professor.

5. Skills required to become a Psychologist

Getting degrees will make you a psychologist, but developing skills alongside will make you an acclaimed psychologist. No matter which career path you choose, as a psychologist, you will work with people. Having strong communication skills will help you comprehend what others are saying and also help you get your point across clearly.

Many a time, you will be working on delicate cases, and having patience, compassion, and strong emotional stability will help you survive. The field of psychology is constantly evolving and growing and hence demands professionals who are committed to lifelong learning.

Best courses and universities to study Psychology

1. University of Delhi

  • Bachelors of Arts Psychology

  • Bachelors of Science Psychology

  • Masters of Arts Psychology

  • Masters of Science in Psychology

2. Christ University, Bangalore

  • Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, Sociology, English

  • Bachelors of Arts Journalism, Psychology, English

  • Bachelors of Science Psychology

  • Masters of Science in various fields of Psychology

  • PhD in Psychology

3. Tata Institute of Social Science

  • Masters in Arts in Applied Psychology (Clinical and Counselling Practice)

  • PhD in Applied Psychology

4. Jamia Milia Islamia

  • Bachelors of Arts in Psychology

  • Masters of Arts in Applied Psychology

  • PhD in Psychology

Career Options

A degree in Psychology opens up countless career options for you. Some common fields of psychology people go for are:

  • Psychotherapist

  • Research Psychologist

  • Psychology Profesor

  • Career Counsellor

  • Sport Psychologist

  • Forensic Psychologist

  • Organizational Psychologist


A career in psychology can be rewarding for people who are passionate about this subject. It can make you a much more perspective person in your daily life as well.

Life has become hectic and fast-paced, and a lot of people are dealing with some or other mental health issues. That is why there is a demand for psychologists in every field.

We have given you all the necessary detail about a career path to becoming a psychologist. We wish you all the best for the future.


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